LOL!! Found this in my mail today cause the title was quite capturing...
It came with a joke too..
How are you going to tell the taxi driver.........????
Driver : Nak ke mana cik?
Penumpang : Saya nak ke bandar Sunway. Dekat jer, rumah saya kat Jalan Puki Mak U Lah... Driver : Cik, kita ni orang Melayu. Tak boleh ke gunakan bahasa yang lebih sopan. Penumpang : Nak sopan macam mana lagi bang. Dah memang itu nama jalannya. Driver : %$#@&*
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Relaxingly Crafted by
8:16 PM
facts of life
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Clubbing at Bar-Celona!!
After a very very tiring week of assignments and sleepless nights. It was time that we unwind ourselves. So a bunch of us went to this club at sunway pyramid which is suppose to be quite good. Well thanks to Mr Lim Lip Boon's Planning yet again, he forgot to book a place for us. Of all the things he could NOT do that night, he forgot to book a place. And in the end we ended up with the worst seats in the entire place. It was located next to the escalators and people were constantly walking thru us to get to another place. Ish!! Can u imagine that u are dancing and suddenly some guy just nudges u on your back or anywhere and just wants to get thru. freaking Annoying!! Well the night started pretty boring. Just knocking up a couple of drinks and just talking. We were there since 10 pm. OMG long way till 12 when it all started. Well who went ar. Errrr lets see if my memory is as good as it used to be. We have Me, Shu Yi, Lip Boon, The Penang 4(Ian Yi, Christine, Jess, Jackie(is that how its spelled?)), Yaw Shing, Sam a.k.a Smee Lin, Aaron, Lip Boons Cousin Ching Yu, Chrys, Brendan, and John. Well Enought story time. Its better to just look at the pictures then.
The reason u can see two particular girls in most of the pictures is because those two are in almost EVERY picture! jackie And sam!! hehe wait for part two. Got better pictures.!
Relaxingly Crafted by
6:33 AM
facts of life
Monday, March 31, 2008
Zhang Dong Liang Concert !!!
Omg i went for the concert and it was fabulous. Great Show, Well my parents thought that since the concert would start at 8 p.m we should go at Wait let me correct that, we should LEAVE at WRONGO!! When we first arive at bukit jalil. i thought to myself. where the hell are the people. I then prayed that my dad was wrong about still too early and that a whole bunch of people were already there. Damn, WISH GRANTED!!! There were like a whole crowd of people there waiting in line already. Phew, damn fricckin many people there and there were like four to five froups of DONG LIANG WE LOVE YOU mobs there. And i mean MOBS, there were all dressed in the same attire and looked as if there were going for a football match rather than a concert. Well lining up was "FUN".NOT!! first it was HOT, then it was COLD! cold because there were droplets of water falling down on me from the DAMN CEILING! Before that i was telling my sis that those water were cockroach pee and whoever got hit by the droplets were damn unlucky.....TA DA!! unlucky number one here....Well as i said, the concert was spectacular. He started with a very nice song with dances and music and lights and everything.(LOL)
Well im gonna post a few videos that were taken not by me but a few fans that had enough money to buy the vip tickets.Lucky devils......Why couldnt i buy the vip tixs. Owh yeah.. no money.... Well Hope you guys enjoy lar.
The starting of the concert
He cried....
Relaxingly Crafted by
5:51 AM
facts of life
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Happy Birthday Tan Shi Shi!!
Birthday time again. So Miss Tan Shi Shi had a bbq birthday party yesterday at her house. I tell u lar. Never go there early every again for any functions there. People who are early gets to carry tables from the basement thru the very narrow stairs and shift furnitures around and blow balloons and start the damn fire... not only that but i had to drive in the friccking rain to get her cake. And i got into and accident on the road.. T.T fortunately not a scratch and the guy was so friendly and understanding. I just had to explain that i was carrying a very important package that had to be delivered to. well having cleared that out of my mind lets move to her party shall we. well all started nice and dandy. we were drinking and bbqing food and eating and talking and all was well. Until something happened.
Guess what...(hint if you read my blog often enough then you would have already guessed)
What do u get when u cross a Tan Shu Yi and a Lim Lip Boon. Well utter chaos and well i think chaos pretty much explains it. So lets start. First Shu yi puts a chicken wing down Lip Boons back or so i heard then they start chasing then causing lip boon to bath and change clothes. Later its cake time. So i had to watch the same cake that i went to all the trouble to bring back to be ruined. Yeah u guessed it. the cake served as a face ornament for both people. So they start throwing cake around each other. One in the hair one down the back. well u can just pray they would leave enough edible parts of the cake for me and the others. Overall i think it was ok but well. I can't say i didn't see that one coming.
Relaxingly Crafted by
8:56 AM
1 facts of life
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Oh my god
Oh my god!! I was at the gym today and was at the sauna when this malay guy came in. At first i was ok fine its public i don't really care. Then all of the sudden he was TAKING OFF HIS TOWEL and i was AUGGHHHHH!!! luckily i wasn't wearing my specs if not i would have been like "DAMN WHAT THE HELL" so i closed my eyes and just enjoyed the sauna. Suddenly he left and went out totally naked. The next thing i knew. he was in the steam bath with me and another guy naked too! I started thinking if it was the new IN thing to do when in the sauna but i just shrugged it off. Damn that really ruined my day man. Couldn't really eat though and my friend wanted to buy me a hotdog. Haih~~~
Relaxingly Crafted by
6:01 AM
1 facts of life