Friday, November 23, 2007

Ways to help with a broken heart

What to do about a broken heart. Well it cant be mended easily, at least not without time and tender loving care and support from people around you. But there are some methods that can take your mind of your sorrow for a while and for a brief moment enjoy life.

1)Eating- Well i cant say that i recommend this way of curing but it does work for some people but it does come with a side effect of getting fat though. So unless you are skinny beyond reasoning dont try this method.

2)Drowning yourself in music- This way is a way i've tried. Find some tunes that you like and it's opposite to how you are feeling and drown yourself in it. Listen to the tunes and even sing along LOUD if it helps. Or you can just get some soothing piano pieces and just lie down and empty your mind.

3)Aroma theraphy- This goes side by side with Music. Just get your fav sent and light your pot and put on some nice soothing music and turn on the air condition. And just relax and don' t think so much about your problems.

4) Hang out with your friends- This is one method that always work. Get your usual band of friends and just spend some time with them and pour out your heart if you feel like it. Go to the arcade, Movies, Ice skating, anything that involves your friends and FUN.

5)Cry- Just cry until you feel like stopping or when it doesn't hurt much anymore but be carefull that you don't damage your eyes.

6)Any activites- Just go out and play some sports of start up some recent or old hobbies. Anything that can take up most of your time so you won't have time to think about your problems.

Well thats as much as i can come up with. Some of the methods or should i say ALL of the methods i have tried and they work. But if you have some other methods that works for you. Feel free to tell me. Who knows? Maybe it will turn out to be an even better method.


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