Oh my god!! I was at the gym today and was at the sauna when this malay guy came in. At first i was ok fine its public i don't really care. Then all of the sudden he was TAKING OFF HIS TOWEL and i was AUGGHHHHH!!! luckily i wasn't wearing my specs if not i would have been like "DAMN WHAT THE HELL" so i closed my eyes and just enjoyed the sauna. Suddenly he left and went out totally naked. The next thing i knew. he was in the steam bath with me and another guy naked too! I started thinking if it was the new IN thing to do when in the sauna but i just shrugged it off. Damn that really ruined my day man. Couldn't really eat though and my friend wanted to buy me a hotdog. Haih~~~
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
Why do relationships fail...
Nice topic, i've always wondered about it since im like exhibit A over here. I never really did understand what actually happened between me and a few of my Ex GF's. I tried my best to please them, i did everything i could and i did everything right but it seems that my relationship's keep failing me and i still did not have an answer for it so after tonight i finally said "ENOUGH", and went to search for the truth that has been avoiding me for so long. I kept thinking that if im not the problem then it must be the girl im with. I went internet prowling and i came across a few interesting articles. Some had helpful info's and some had partially good info's so i decided to combine them by mix and matching them a bit. Here it goes,~~
There is this method called the three stage test that the women or girl that i love must pass. Ok ok i know what you are thinking, "wah, who does he think he is? Must pass three test only can be with him, so high and mighty?" well its not that the test means that i am high and mighty, it's just that throughout my life and with my experiences, i have learned that people are not always who they say they are. To make the relationship work you have to see if they really are who they say they are and if they hold up to the image they present. Or, risk ending up with another failed relationship?
Relationships end or fail due to a lot of reasons but after searching for some time i found that a lot of people agree with me that it fails due to three major areas or stages.
They are:
- Trust
- Consistency
- Life Obstacles
Trust - There must always be a certain amount of trust between two people for a relationship to work. Any less and it would be certain to crumble in an instant. For me, it seems that i am too trusting and that leads me to my own demise but for some time now i've started changing . Now, i need to know if i can trust the person im handing my heart over to, Of course i give her the benifit of the doubt until i have evidence that proves that my trust has been misused
Consistency - The one thing that i hate the most is incnosistent people. Some of my friends would know that by now. If you are going to say that you are going to do something then DO IT. If you say that you are going to be somewhere at this time, BE there! If you know that you cannot keep you word the don't bother making them or at least tell in advance that you can't make it.
Life Obstacles - Finally it's the last stage. The hardest one of all. If that certain someone passes the first two stages then that leaves this stage and trust me when i say it's not an easy one to pass. This stage is critical because how a person handles life problems will provide insights into their inner feelings and thoughts. For example, my natural inclination during a crisis is to stay calm, devise a plan quickly as possible with the information I have and head straight toward the problem and conquer it.Now, if the woman I am talking with decides to run the other way, starts complaining or just gives up then I have to think twice about getting involved with her.
These are not my idea's it's just that they relate a lot to how i feel and to me there's a lot of truth in it. So if you ever get a girl that passes all three stages, i'm not saying that there will always be smooth sailing after that but you better hang on to her HARD because not many can pass two much less three stages. This can work on guys too, a relationship is a two sided commitment, just because she passed all three stages doesn't mean you passed Her three stages. So what i'm saying is that it's hard for two people to love each other and be together. And never ever complain because remember, you are the one who chose you relationship partner. Sorry if this offended anyone, Hope that this post gave some insight to some people. If not it will just serve solely as an object for me to release my stress and tension on
Relaxingly Crafted by
6:57 AM
facts of life
CAn't belive it happened again!!!!
I can't believe the second post that i make after so long is about me breaking up with my girl... How Ironic... Here i was talking about love and stuff that makes it tick pretending to know about it when i can't even help myself when it comes down to it. I wonder if it's the failures in relationships that i had that made me able to write those posts. Maybe or maybe not but im sure that this was not the ending that i had hoped for. Seriously i always imagined how it would end each time i get myself into a relationship but it never does seem to end the way i want it to though. Of course lets not be naive here, of course im sure that any relationship i start at this time will have a 70% of not lasting till i die. Like DUH! but i always thought that if the flame of passion did indeed go out, it would mean that it went out for both parties not just one. Haih Negative post on my blog, wonder what kid of response this would trigger providedly i still have people reading this old neglected blog of mine. Well Maybe i should start thinking about the sequel to my relationship topics instead of thinking of a chapter of my life that most probably will not be re-read again. Well sayonara. I hope to bury my feelings in this post although thats highly impossible. Well time to drink and drink till i drop though. Haih wish my fav two drinking buddies were here with me. TSY and LLP. you know who you are
Relaxingly Crafted by
6:46 AM
facts of life